خرید کتاب زبان کره ای Correct Your Korean – 150 Common Grammar Errors

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کتاب کره ای خود را اصلاح کنید Correct Your Korean – 150 Common Grammar Errors

کتاب کره ای خود را اصلاح کنید Correct Your Korean – 150 Common Grammar Errors

انتشارات DARAKWON


457 صفحه

شابک 9788927732266

قطع وزیری

توضیحات کتاب:

از طریق جملات واقعی اشتباه 150 نکته گرامری کره ای برای تهیه TOPIK بیاموزید!

150 نکته گرامری ضروری برای زبان آموزان ابتدای ورود به سطح متوسط TOPIK!

دستور زبان کره ای را با یادگیری اشتباهات رایج پاک و آسان کنید!

Learn 150 Korean grammar points for TOPIK preparation through actual erroneous sentences!

150 essential grammar points for learners of the beginning to intermediate of TOPIK!

Clear and easy Korean grammar by learning common mistakes!

"Correct Your Korean (Korean Edition") (Darakwon: 2019) is a great book on common Korean grammar and usage mistakes, with a wonderful answer key at the back of the book for chapter exercises, but "Correct Your Korean (Korean edition [a misnomer, since this bilingual book is fully in Korean and English, and is focused towards teaching Korean to English speakers])" is geared more towards intermediate/high-intermediate and advanced students, not beginners or advanced beginners. I think it's best-suited to someone who has gone through all 8-volumes of Talk to Me in Korean's (TTMIK) grammar textbook series AND/OR the 3-volume "Korean Grammar in Use" series (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) published by Darakwon. But I have to say "Correct Your Korean (Korean Edition") is SENSATIONAL, and you should get it now before it goes out of print or the price goes up, if your goal is to become fully fluent in Korean. Every instruction, every example, is both in English and Korean, though the English script is a bit smaller (but easily readable, and I am both near-sighted and far-sighted, and use bifocals). "Correct Your Korean (Korean Edition") has wonderful tables and the organization to the book is stellar. I don't have time to discuss the many wonderful structural gems in this book, but trust me, you will LOVE the book, even if like me, you feel your Korean is NOT YET at the level you can actually use the book at the moment.

I must also say that authors were REALLY generous with their grammar instruction. I have a Ph.D. in English, and have taught English for years, and I was greatly impressed by the thoroughness of the grammar explanations in "Correct Your Korean (Korean Edition") . The attempt here is to provide Korean language learners with an accurate and complete explanation of whatever topic area is under discussion, whether it be the use of noun and subject particles, endings, or more advanced concepts in Korean. And I have to say there are plentiful chapter and sub-chapter lessons in this very large Korean language text written in small, but eye-friendly font size: one truly gets one's money's worth as far as "lessons for your bucks" is concerned.

For beginners and advanced beginners (as well as Intermediate and Advanced) students of the Korean language, I would say that Billy Go's book that is sold through TTMIK or Amazon called "Common Mistakes Korean Learner's Make" is a better fit. The lessons in Billy Go's book are shorter, and thus less in depth, but they are designed to help Korean learners avoid misunderstanding the lessons they've learned in basic Korean grammar textbooks, and/or in teaching us how we sometimes over or misapply a Korean grammar point, and get it wrong.

I actually think anyone who wishes to master Korean, and is a native speaker of English, would want to purchase BOTH Billy Go's "Common Mistakes Korean Learners Make" (TTMIK: 2019) and "Correct Your Korean (Korean Edition" (Darakwon: 2019). And again, both teach Korean language learners via English language explanations, so they are both great investments. Once again, however, it would be best to master the basics of Korean grammar first, THEN use both of these wonderful books to add depth and precision -- and corrections -- to your grammar knowledge.

Table of Contents

Preface .......................................... 4

How to Use This Book ....... 6

Contents........................................ 12

01 조사 Particles

1 격조사 Case Particles

➊이/가 ..................................18

➋을/를 ..................................20

➌에 ........................................22

➍에서 ....................................24

➎의 ........................................26

➏으로 ....................................28

➐에게 ....................................30

➑처럼 ....................................32

확인 평가 Checkup .................34

2 보조사 Auxiliary Particles

➊은/는 ..................................36

➋부터 ....................................38

➌까지 ....................................40

➍ (이)나 .................................42

3 접속조사 Connective Particles

➊하고 ....................................44

➋와/과 ..................................46

4 조사 결합 Postposition Combinations

➊조사 결합 ..........................48

확인 평가 Checkup .................50

02 어순•의문사•접속부사

Word Order • Interrogatives • Conjunctive Adverbs

1 어순 word order

➊어순 ....................................54

2 의문사 Interrogatives

➊의문사 ...............................56

3 접속부사 Conjunctive Adverbs

➊접속부사 ...........................58

확인 평가 Checkup ................ 60

03 시제 Tenses

1 -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ

➊ -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ ..........64

2 -았/었-

➊ -았/었- ............................66

3 -(으)ㄹ 거예요 ①

➊ -(으)ㄹ 거예요 ① ..........68

확인 평가 Checkup ............... 70

04 부정 표현 Negative Statements

1 안/-지 않다

➊안/-지 않다 .....................74

2 못/-지 못하다

➊못/-지 못하다 ................76

3 -지 말다

➊ -지 말다 ...........................78

확인 평가 Checkup .................80

05 연결어미 Connective Endings

1 나열·대조·배경 Lists • Contrasts • Backgrounds

➊ -고 ① ...............................84

➋ -(으)며 ..............................86

➌ -지만 .................................88

➍ -는데 .................................

➎ -기는 하지만 ..................92

➏ -는데도 ............................94

확인 평가 Checkup .................96

2 시간·순차적 행동 Time • Sequential Activities

➊ -아/어서 ① .....................98

➋ -고 ② ............................ 100

➌ -기 전에 ........................ 102

➍ -(으)ㄴ 후에 ................. 104

➎ -(으)ㄹ 때 ..................... 106

➏ -(으)면서 ....................... 108

➐ -는 동안 ........................ 110

➑ -자마자 ......................... 112

➒ -자 .................................. 114

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 116

3 이유·근거 Reasons • Basis

➊ -아/어서 ② .................. 118

➋ -(으)니까 ..................... 120

➌ -기 때문에 .................... 122

➍ (이)라서 .......................... 124

➎ -느라고 ......................... 126

➏ -는 바람에 .................... 128

➐ -(으)ㄹ까 봐(서) .......... 130

➑ -길래 .............................. 132

➒ -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에 ......... 134

➓ (으)로 인해(서) ............. 136

확인 평가 Checkup ............. 138

4 목적·의지 Objectives • Will

➊ -(으)러 ........................... 140

➋ -(으)려고 ....................... 142

➌ -기 위해(서) ................. 144

➍ -(으)려다(가) ................ 146

➎ -도록 .............................. 148

➏ -(으)ㄹ 테니까 ① ....... 150

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 152

5 조건 Conditions

➊ -(으)면 ........................... 154

➋ -(으)려면 ....................... 156

➌ -거든 .............................. 158

➍ -아/어야 ....................... 160

6 선택 Selections

➊ -거나 .............................. 162

➋ -든지 .............................. 164

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 166

7 전환 Transitions

➊ -다(가) ........................... 168

➋ -았/었다(가) ................ 170

8 추측 Assumptions

➊ -(으)ㄹ 테니(까) ② .... 172

➋ -(으)ㄹ 텐데 ................. 174

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 176

9 대체·추가 Substitutes • Additions

➊ -는 대신(에) ................. 178

➋ -(으)ㄹ 뿐(만) 아니라 180

➌ -(으)ㄴ/는 데다(가) .... 182

10 정도 Degrees

➊ -(으)면 -(으)ㄹ수록 .. 184

➋ -(으)ㄹ 정도로 ............. 186

➌ -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 만큼 ................................................. 188

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 190

11 가정·후회·소용없음 Assumptions • Regrets • Futility

➊ (아무리) -아/어도 ..... 192

➋ -(느)ㄴ다면 .................. 194

➌ -았/었더라면 ............... 196

➍ -아/어 봤자 .................. 198

12 경험 Experiences

➊ -다(가) 보니(까) .......... 200

➋ -다(가) 보면 ................. 202

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 204

13 회상 Remembrances

➊ -던 .................................. 206

➋ -았/었던 ....................... 208

➌ -던데 .............................. 210

➍ -더니 .............................. 212

14 수단·기준·판단 Methods • Standards • Judgments

➊에 따르면 ....................... 214

➋에 대해(서) .................... 216


➌을/를 통해(서) .............. 218

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 220

06 종결어미 Final Endings

1 제안 Suggestions

➊ -(으)ㄹ까요? ① .......... 224

➋ -(으)ㄹ래요? ................ 226

2 계획·의도 Plans • Intentions

➊ -기로 하다 .................... 228

➋ -(으)려고 하다 ............. 230

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 232

3 진행 Progress

➊ -고 있다 ① ................. 234

➋ -는 중이다 .................... 236

➌ -아/어 가다/오다 ....... 238

4 경험 Experiences

➊ -아/어 보다 .................. 240

➋ -(으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다 ................................................ 242

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 244

5 가능성·능력 Potential • Abilities

➊ -(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 246

➋ -(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 ................................................ 248

6 의무·허락·금지 Obligations • Permissions • Prohibitions

➊ -아/어야 하다 ............ 250

➋ -아/어도 되다 ............. 252

➌ -(으)면 안 되다 ........... 254

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 256

7 의지 Will

➊ -겠어요 ......................... 258

➋ -(으)ㄹ게요 .................. 260

➌ -(으)ㄹ래요 .................. 262

8 추측·의문 Assumptions • Doubts

➊ -(으)ㄹ 거예요 ② ....... 264

➋ -(으)ㄹ까요? ② .......... 266

➌ -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 것 같다 ........................................... 268

➍ -나 보다 ........................ 270

➎ -는지 알다/모르다 .... 272

➏ -(으)ㄹ지 모르겠다 .... 274

➐ -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 줄 알았다/몰랐다 ........................ 276

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 278

9 완료 Completion

➊ -고 있다 ② .................. 280

➋ -아/어 있다 .................. 282

➌ -아/어 버리다 ............. 284

➊ -고 말다 ........................ 286

10 희망 Hopes

➊ -고 싶다 ........................ 288

➋ -았/었으면 좋겠다 .... 290

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 292

11 강조·가정·확인 Emphasis • Assumptions • Confirmations

➊얼마나 -는지 모르다 294

➋ -(으)ㄴ/는 셈 치다 ..... 296

➌ -지 않아요? ................. 298

12 이유 Reasons

➊ -잖아요 ......................... 300

➋ -거든요 ......................... 302

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 304

13 변화·속성·그럴듯함 Changes • Attributes • Plausibility

➊ -아/어지다 ................... 306

➋ -게 되다 ........................ 308

➌ -는 편이다 .................... 310

➍ -(으)ㄴ/는 척하다 ...... 312

14 회상·후회 Retrospection • Regrets

➊ -더라고요 ..................... 314

➋ -(으)ㄹ걸 그랬다 ........ 316

15 서술문 Declarative Sentences

➊서술문 ............................ 318

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 320

07 인용 표현 Quotation Expressions

1 -(느)ㄴ다고 하다

➊ -(느)ㄴ다고 하다 ........ 324

2 -(느)냐고 하다

➊ -(느)냐고 하다 ............. 326

3 -(으)라고 하다, -자고 하다

➊ -(으)라고 하다, -자고 하다 ........................................ 328

4 -아/어 주라고 하다, -아/어 달라고 하다

➊ -아/어 주라고 하다, -아/어 달라고 하다 .............. 330

확인 평가 Checkup ............ 332

08 전성어미 Transformative Endings

1 -는 것

➊ -는 것 ............................ 336

2 -기

➊ -기 .................................. 338

3 -(으)ㅁ

➊ -(으)ㅁ ........................... 340

4 -는 데

➊ -는 데 ............................ 342

5 -게

➊ -게 .................................. 344

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 346

09 피동•사동 표현

Passive and Causative Expressions

1 피동 표현 Passive Expressions

➊피동 표현 ....................... 350

2 사동 표현 Causative Expressions

➊사동 표현 ....................... 352

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 354

10 문장 성분 호응

Sequence of Sentence Constituents

1 아주·별로·과연 등 + A/V

➊아주·별로·과연 등 + A/V ......................................... 358

2 -(으)ㄴ 지 N이/가 되다

➊ -(으)ㄴ 지 N이/가 되다 ................................................ 360

3 -아/어하다

➊ -아/어하다 ................... 362

4 아무 + N

➊아무 + N ........................ 364

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 366

11 존댓말•반말 Honorifics & Casuals

➊존댓말•반말 ............... 370

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 372

12 기타 Miscellaneous

1 숫자 표현 Numerals

➊숫자 표현 ....................... 376

2 불규칙 Irregular Expressions

➊ ‘ㅂ’ 불규칙 .................... 378

➋ ‘ㄷ’ 불규칙 .................... 379

➌ ‘르 ’불규칙 .................... 380

➍ ‘ㄹ’ 불규칙 .................... 381

➎ ‘으’ 불규칙 .................... 382

➏ ‘ㅅ’ 불규칙 .................... 383

➐ ‘ㅎ’ 불규칙 .................... 384

확인 평가 Checkup .............. 385


Answers & Explanations .......................................390

Grammar Explanations in Korean ...................408

Grammar Index .......455

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