خرید کتاب کره ای Talk To Me In Korean Level 9 ( پیشنهاد ویژه )

خرید کتاب Talk To Me In Korean Level 9

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خرید کتاب زبان کره ای Talk To Me In Korean Level 9

کتاب آموزش کره ای جلد نه

Talk To Me In Korean Level 9 Korean Grammar Textbook ( پیشنهاد ویژه )

220 صفحه

سطح پیشرفته کره ای

فایل صوتی دارد

از سری کتاب های معتبر Talk To Me In Korean

شابک 979-1186701980

معرفی کتاب :

ما به خاطر این که تا اینجا آمده اید بسیار به شما افتخار می کنیم و امیدواریم که شما از هر مرحله در طول مسیر با ما از سطح 1 تا سطح 9 لذت برده باشید و همچنان از یادگیری تا سطح 10 آینده لذت ببرید! 여러분 ، 끝까지 파이팅!

این کتاب بر اساس دوره ضروری کره ای سطح 9 ساخته شده است اما با تمرینات بیشتر و مطالب خواندنی جذاب در مورد فرهنگ کره. با استفاده از این کتاب می توانید

نسخه های پیشرفته تری از عبارات و پایان های فعل را که در سطح مبتدی و متوسط آموخته اید ، مانند ‘- (으) ㄹ 테니 (까)’ ، ‘- (으 / 느) ㄴ 이상 and و‘ - 더니 ’یاد بگیرید

جملات کره ای خود را به روز کنید تا روان تر ، پیچیده تر و رسمی تر به نظر برسد.

عبارات اصطلاحاتی متداول استفاده شده مانند «마음 에 들다» ، «기분 하기도 좋다» و «생각 하기도 싫다» را بیاموزید.

جملات مفیدی را برای موقعیت های خاص مانند "وقتی شما ناراضی هستید" و "هنگامی که یک لطف می کنید" بیاموزید.

We’re very proud of you for coming this far and we hope you have enjoyed every step along the way with us from Level 1 to Level 9, and continue to enjoy learning all the way to the upcoming Level 10! 여러분, 끝까지 파이팅!

This book is based on the Level 9 Essential Korean Course but with more exercises and intriguing reading materials about the Korean culture. With this book, you can…

Learn more advanced versions of the expressions and verb endings that you learned at beginner and intermediate levels, such as ‘-(으)ㄹ 테니(까)’, ‘-(으/느)ㄴ 이상’ and ‘-더니’.

Upgrade your Korean sentences to sound more fluent, sophisticated, and formal.

Learn commonly used idiomatic expressions like ‘마음에 들다’, ‘기분이 좋다’ and ‘생각하기도 싫다’.

Learn useful sentences for specific situations like ‘when you are unhappy’ and ‘when you ask for a favor’

Tables of Contents.

Lesson 1. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 6 / 손 (Hand)

Lesson 2. Completed Action / -아/어/여 버리다

Lesson 3. Advanced Situational Expressions 7 / 기분 나쁠 때 (When You Are Unhappy)

Lesson 4. Completed Action / -고 말다

Lesson 5. Advanced Situational Expressions 8 / 걱정될 때 (When You Are Worried)

Lesson 6. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 7 / 발 (Foot)

Lesson 7. Word Builder 18 / 비(非)

Lesson 8. Advanced Situational Expressions 9 / 부탁할 때 (When You Ask For A Favor)

Lesson 9. Simplifying A Sentence Ending / -(으)ㅁ

Lesson 10. Sentence Building Drill 15

[Blog] Traditional Korean Hat: Gat (갓)

Lesson 11. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 8 / 마음 (Heart, Mind)

Lesson 12. To look/seem + adjective / -아/어/여 보이다

Lesson 13. Word Builder 19 / 신(新)

Lesson 14. Advanced Situational Expressions 10 / 후회할 때 (When You Regret Something)

Lesson 15. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 9 / 기분 (Feeling)

Lesson 16. In return for, Since it will be… / -(으)ㄹ 테니(까)

Lesson 17. Since, Once, As long as / -(으/느)ㄴ 이상

Lesson 18. (To worry/think) that it might / -(으)ㄹ까 봐

Lesson 19. Advanced Situational Expressions 11 / 오랜만에 만났을 때 (When You Meet Someone After A Long Time)

Lesson 20. Sentence Building Drill 16

[Blog] Places in Korea: Yongsan Video Game Alley (용산전자상가)

Lesson 21. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 10 / 생각 (Thought, Idea)

Lesson 22. Word Builder 20 / 시(示, 視)

Lesson 23. While / -(으)면서

Lesson 24. Didn’t you say…?, I heard that… / -(ㄴ/는)다면서요, -(이)라면서요

Lesson 25. Advanced Situational Expressions 12 / 길을 물어볼 때 (When You Ask For Directions)

Lesson 26. Advanced Idiomatic Expressions 11 / 시간 (Time)

Lesson 27. And now, But now / -더니

Lesson 28. Rather than, Would rather / -(으)ㄹ 바에

Lesson 29. Advanced Situational Expressions 13 / 차가 막힐 때 (When The Traffic Is Bad)

Lesson 30. Sentence Building Drill 17

[Blog] Things to Do in Korea: Jeju Mackerel (제주도 고등어)


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